evening of Mediumship
With Lori Sheridan
Tickets $40
Call Kelli Murphy at 617-653-1051 to Register.
Friday, March 30, 7-9 PM
254 Quarry St,
Quincy, Mass 02169
Receive messages from your loved ones on the other-side.
Join medium Lori Sheridan for an evening of heartfelt messages from your loved ones on the other-side. During this intimate evening, Lori will deliver evidential messages of love, hope, and comfort from friends and family on the other-side. Many guests will be touched by spirit with a message from beyond, demonstrating that love and life are eternal; however, attendance does not guarantee a message. Join Lori for a celebration of love and life.
Lori Doupe' Sheridan is a professional medium and angel intuitive. She delivers evidential messages of love and comfort from the Other-side during public events and private sittings. Her message is simple, love and life are eternal.
Lori has established Hope Ethereal, a center for spiritual, psychic and mediumship development. Educational programs are offered year-round to inspire hope and a deeper connection with the spirit world. She presents workshops, demonstrates mediumship, and sees clients at Hope Ethereal and throughout New England. Read More