The Sacred Path: Embracing Your Mediumship

Tickets $85
REGISTER CALL 508-697-2334
Sunday, April 30, 11am-4pm
Uplifting Connections, 1355 Pleasant St.
Bridgewater, MA
This one-day workshop is designed to advance your mediumship and strengthen your connection with the spirit world. Facilitated by professional mediums Lori Sheridan and Liam Galvin, emphasis will be placed on using multiple senses during a reading, unfolding your clairvoyance and clairaudience. They will discuss the importance of the message and honoring the discarnate soul in spirit. Simple techniques will be shared to help you expand your comfort giving messages and delving deeper into the images and evidence you are receiving.This mixed levels workshop is for those who would like to gain confidence in their mediumship and practice giving one-to-one readings. Workshop size is limited to ensure ample attention given to participants in a safe and nurturing environment.
Topics covered will include:
· Blending with Spirit
· Giving Messages from the Heart
· Working with Multiple Senses
· Working with Multiple Communicators
· Unfolding Your Evidence
· Trusting Your Mediumship
About the Mediums:
Lori Sheridan is a professional medium and angel intuitive. Her message is simple: Love and life are eternal. She delivers messages of love and comfort from the Other-side during public events and private sittings. Lori has established Hope Ethereal offering spiritual and mediumship unfoldment programs that touch the heart and inspire the soul. She sees clients and teaches workshops at her office in Norwell, Mass. Read More
Liam Galvin is a gifted spiritual medium and holistic healer. Liam relays messages from loved ones and spirit guides from the Higher Side of Life through his readings. He teaches and demonstrates mediumship both here in the U.S. and in the U.K. He teaches at Women of Wisdom in North Easton and sees clients at his office in Canton, Mass. LiamGalvin.com